..... K i s s M y A s s .....

Saturday, November 6, 2010

..:: (eye)'M SORRY ::..

Jessica Connor is a sexy, gothic punk with a sense of humor. Jessica was your average girl, who is slightly decorated from neck below. She had colorful tattoos which were strategically placed in order to hide them from her parents. Outside she was liberated, at home she was just Jessy, who had strict parents and a noisy-little brother.
Jessica was beautiful. She had fair princess-like complexion, big hazel-grey eyes, long straight jetblack hair and skin softer than silk. Her mother had always wanted fame for her daughter but Jessica felt otherwise. She had greater things in mind which didn’t involve photoshoots and spreads in magazines.
“AMERICAN TATTOO FEST IN JUSTINATO” read the invitation card and Jessica wasn’t going to miss it. “A study weekend at Stacy’s” was what Jessica had told her mom. She was going to drive across the state, and make it back by Sunday. She packed her clothes, her platform boots, leather apparel and lots and lots of black eye shadow.
“This weekend is going to be great!” she kissed her mother goodbye before driving off.
Two hours later, Jessica stops for gas. She stretches and starts to stock up on drinks and snacks. She double checks with the cashier the directions to Justinato. She had to be sure, for driving from Bitter Lake City to Justinato was no short distance. She checks her tire pressure, water levels and blasts her speakers. Accelerate and off she goes.
The sun is scorching hot! It was so hot I that I was seeing doubles. Damn car broke down as I was heading up to Justinato. Damn engine couldn’t take the heat, but then again, who could ! I was on my way to the Justin"s General Hospital to enlist my babygirl, Hannah on the recipient list.
“Can I get a ride please”
 I tried flagging down cars, praying for sympathy in the middle of the highway. My fogged-up glasses hanged on the edge of my nose as I clutch my briefcase and tried desperately to flag down cars.
 “Please, anyone… can I get a lift”.
It’s been three long hours and I’m still stuck in the middle of nowhere. The phone was dead and I already tried flagging down cars by waving a $50 note. Nothing worked. Frustrated and thirsty, things couldn’t get any worse.
Then just like a mirage, a blue Saab with a petite girl who was drowned out by loud music pulled over.
“Hello there miss, could I hitch a ride.I’m headed to Justinato. My car broke down back there and I’ve been walking ever since.”
“Justinato? I’m headed there too. Hop in.” Jessica smiled unlocking the passenger door.
“God Bless you child”. I jumped in the passenger seat in a millisecond, not giving her a chance to reconsider. Also, I spotted a bottle of water back there.
“So, mister, whats in Justinato?” asked Jessica, her eyes glued to the road.
“I’m headed to the Justin's General Hospital. But before that, can I please have something to drink?”. My hands already reaching for the bottle of water.
“Sure, help yourself”
“Thank…*gulp*gulp …ahhhhhhhh”. Such relief.
What’s your name? And why are you headed to Justinato?” I pried.
“ Name is Jessica and  I’m getting ready for a weekend of pure art. I’m headed up for the American Tattoo Fest in Justinato. Tattoo artists from all over the country gather to exchange ideas and build client networks. You should drop by” .
“Tattoos? Sounds more dangerous than fun” I was shocked by the talk tattooes. What a way to start a conversation.
“So why are you headed to the hospital? You sick?”
“It’s my daughter, Hannah. I’m going to enlist her on the recipient list for a cornea transplant. She was in an accident”.
 Then the talk about eyes made me notice. Jessica  had the most brightest hazel-grey eyes which was emphasized by the excessive use of dark eyeliner. They were beautiful. Just like how Hannah’s once were. Her big round peepers reminded me of my little babygirl and how her eyes used to sparkle when she was happy. I’d do anything to see my babygirl happy and sparkling again.
Then it hit me ! This young beautiful girl with bright brown eyes was sitting next to me. Images, thought and plans spinned its way into my head so fast that I felt dizzy with disgust. I couldn’t do it. None of it.
“Where are your parents? Why are you driving alone?”.
 “Ummm…my parents don’t know I’m going to Justinato for the weekend” answered Jessica  biting her nails.
Her parents not knowing where she was made it easier for the dark evil thought to re-enter my mind. I shaked them all off. I couldn’t hurt her. And I wont. I just need to sit and have a nice long chat with her. Make her understand things.
That was when it hit. A big fat juicy drop of rain which was followed by others double its size. It started pouring and I saw my chance.
 “I can’t see” squinted Jessica pressed against the steering wheel.
“Pull over at the motel ahead. We’ll wait till the rains stop. No point driving when you can’t see. Don’t worry I’ll pay for it.” I offered.
“Okay, fine. But only till the rains stops then we move”. She agreed once the  pounding on the roof grew louder.
Jessica pulls up by the side of the highway, where the “vacancy” lights flicker like fireworks in Chinatown. The sight of other cars stopping comforted her, for she now feels that she wasn’t going to be alone with this stranger.
After checking in, and settling the bill, they got room 126, which was conveniently far left. The rain drops pounded on the roof of the motel like a carnival. It was noisy and cold.
Jessica jumped on the bed throwing her stuff all over. She marked her spot hoping the stranger got the hint. The man, hanged his coat on the chair, sat on the desk, and started thinking. His hands were shaky and the hard look of concentration was obvious on his face. He would daydream and shrug at certain thoughts. Jessica didn’t notice this. She just wanted the rain to stop. She was thinking of ways to politely turn this stranger down and maybe drop him at a gas station where he could call for a cab.
“Excuse me. I am going to freshen up”. My hands were trembling. I wasn’t sure if this was the right thing to do. Maybe I should just walk away now while I still can. Oh, Jesus forgive me !
Jessica was glad that the stranger had decided to lock himself in the toilet, but when he started walking in and out of the room for ice, she couldn’t help but get suspicious.
After multiple trips, finally the stranger settled down. Minutes went by and she got more and more suspicious. She was going to take the risk of driving in the rain. Should she tell him she was leaving? Or should she just go? She slowly got up, quietly packing her stuff. She walked, almost tip-toeing to the toilet, pressed her ears on the door and thought to herself “what on earth was he doing?”. She leaned harder on the door putting more pressure before the unexpected happened.
The door gave way and Jessica was thrown inside the toilet. She screamed. There, with his sleeves folded and glasses tilted, sitting on the floor, he was sharpening his Swiss knife vigorously. Rocking back and forth he was chanting the words “I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I have to do this”.His possessed expression stared emotionless at the wall.
“What are you doing? You creep!” Jessica’s voice shook as she tried holding the tears back.
That was it. My plan was clear. I knew I couldn’t have gotten away with this. What should I do now? All I wanted was to apologize and tell her how sorry I was.
“I know what this may look like, but believe me I’m not trying to hurt you”.
I got up slowly and put the knife on the sink. She screamed as I tried reaching out for her. She started cursing me and spitting in my face. She even bit my arm but I had to wait till she calmed down so I could explain things to her.
Jessica jumped back. The stranger overpowered her when he suddenly leaped for the door and grabbed her arm. Jessica screamed with all her might. The rain was to his advantage. No one was going to hear her under the pounding of the giant droplets. He yanked and yanked her hand until she calmed down.
 “Let me go” kicked and screamed Jessica continously.
Jessica  knew what she had to do. Like in the movies, she was going to give him a good hard kick to the groin and dash for the door and straight to her car.
 The stranger went on and on about how sorry he was but Jessica wasn’t listening. She must act now. With a deep breath of air, she moved back, making enough space to lift her knee up before slamming down a hard kick to his…thigh. She missed. The stranger flipped. He was angry. He started shouting as he placed his big hands over her tiny neck. He pressed harder and harder with each second.
“Why won’t you listen to me? I said I was sorry”. I just knew it, she was going to run and report me and I would never see my babygirl again. Weekend visitations and custody rights just isnt enough. I’m sorry.
I dragged her over to bath tub and stuck her head in the icy water. She kicked and kicked but it was no use. Both my hands are on her neck. I pushed and pressed as hard as I could. I lifted her head, but not for air, but to start pounding her head on the edge of the bathtub like a madman. Blood splattered into the cold water and onto my shirt. Her screams of pain faded as the blood thickened in the water.
Her body dropped with loud thud. What have I done? I was a monster.
The man reaches for the knife on the sink. His hands trembling with fear, he manages to slowly carve at the dead girls head. When he finished, the only remains of her face were the two empty eye-sockets, dripping with blood and raw exposed face muscles. He puts her eyes into a plastic bag, filled it with ice and sealed it with duct tape.
“Hannah, look what daddy got you”. The man stared at the dead brown eyes.
This prize was for my babygirl as a symbol of my apology. The accident two years ago was my fault. I shouldn’t have had that much to drink. I’m sorry babygirl. Daddy is going to make it all okay again.
“I’m sorry” I whispered as I kissed Jessica’s forehead before sliding her down into the ice-filled bathtub which was to be her grave. The blood rushed up as she sank deeper. The ripples formed shapes and designs as her black hair swam gracefully embracing her bare skull.
With his treasure in his ice-filled briefcase he walks out the room. He walks in the rain, leaving a trail of blood as he goes. The smuck of guilt and joy fought to control his expression. The thought of Hannah and how she would be happy again sparkled and motivated him to keep walking.
“..The body of Jessica Connor was found submerged in a bathtub filled with ice in Marcus Motel yesterday evening.  Jessica was murdered and her eyeballs missing. Police have detained a suspect who was spotted walking along the highway in a bloody coat. Police forces tried arresting the suspect seconds before he ran across the road and was hit by a truck. His identity is yet to be confirmed but a bag with the victim’s eyeballs were attained….”

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